sausage, egg + cheese biscuit sandwiches

I made a batch of these buttermilk biscuits last week and, as promised, here is a lovely little (really, they’re pretty big) biscuit sandwich that’s perfect for breakfast — make them and freeze them, and you have breakfast for more than a week! Since I work relatively odd hours, getting in a solid breakfast every day is a big chore for me. If you had … Continue reading sausage, egg + cheese biscuit sandwiches

charred corn polenta with herb + tomato salad

It is officially PSL season (pumpkin spice latte, in case you didn’t know), which means it should be time for all things pumpkin, right? While I adore pumpkin and pumpkin-flavored things,  I have a hard time switching gears so rapidly from summer cheeseburgers and popsicles, directly to warm and hearty pumpkin-filled fall dishes without anything to bridge the gap between the seasons. In my neck … Continue reading charred corn polenta with herb + tomato salad

chicken + waffles

You know the saying, “if you want something done right, do it yourself”? I’m usually a pretty firm believer in that. One could also say, “if you want something you’ve never eaten before, cook it yourself”. Now that’s an idea I can totally get behind! It has been the case with many things I’ve eaten in the past (French macarons, Cuban sandwiches, brioche ice cream sandwiches, to … Continue reading chicken + waffles

national sandwich month: the cuban sandwich

AUGUST IS UPON US, WHICH MEANS NATIONAL SANDWICH MONTH IS HERE! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE SANDWICHES, AND WILL BE BRINGING YOU RECIPES FOR MANY DELICIOUS VERSIONS AS THE MONTH GOES ON. STICK AROUND, IT’S SANDWICH TIME! Ever since I first heard of the glory that is the Cuban sandwich, I knew I had to try one. They don’t seem overly common on restaurant menus here in … Continue reading national sandwich month: the cuban sandwich

national sandwich month: crunchy falafel pita sandwiches

AUGUST IS UPON US, WHICH MEANS NATIONAL SANDWICH MONTH IS HERE! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE SANDWICHES, AND WILL BE BRINGING YOU RECIPES FOR MANY DELICIOUS VERSIONS AS THE MONTH GOES ON. STICK AROUND, IT’S SANDWICH TIME! Everyone has those hometown restaurants that they miss, and one that I miss from back home was a little Greek quick-service place called Fronimo’s. There’s something about Greek fast food that … Continue reading national sandwich month: crunchy falafel pita sandwiches

national sandwich month: classic summer cheeseburgers

AUGUST IS UPON US, WHICH MEANS NATIONAL SANDWICH MONTH IS HERE! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE SANDWICHES, AND WILL BE BRINGING YOU RECIPES FOR MANY DELICIOUS VERSIONS AS THE MONTH GOES ON. STICK AROUND, IT’S SANDWICH TIME! If someone asked me my favorite foods, a good burger would be really high up on the list. I consider them in a culinary class all their own, and tend to … Continue reading national sandwich month: classic summer cheeseburgers

national sandwich month: sweet potato grilled cheese with ricotta + sage

August is upon us, which means National Sandwich Month is here! I absolutely adore sandwiches, and will be bringing you recipes for many delicious versions as the month goes on. Stick around, it’s sandwich time! There’s something so comforting to me about the combination of sweet potato, ricotta, and fresh sage. I first encountered this combo in the form of a pizza from one of my favorite … Continue reading national sandwich month: sweet potato grilled cheese with ricotta + sage

chili cheese pretzel dogs

What four words, when combined, are some of the best words ever put together in the entirety of the English language? Chili. Cheese. Pretzel. Dogs. Ever since I made those homemade pretzels and beer cheese, I knew that a chili cheese pretzel dog was in my future — I just didn’t know when. But, today is the day, y’all. And they’re glorious. Take a soft … Continue reading chili cheese pretzel dogs

the crispy egg breakfast pizza

Back last fall, Deb over at smitten kitchen posted a recipe for a crispy fried egg. Usually, fried eggs are my last choice when it comes to egg preparation methods. Runny yolk? Ew. However, the crispy egg was intriguing to me. I wanted to make it for myself, but wasn’t sure how to let it shine in the best possible way. A breakfast pizza seemed like … Continue reading the crispy egg breakfast pizza

grilled salmon niçoise salad

Springtime in the Southwest is a woefully short season. Usually my meals transition from hearty soups and pot pies, directly to popsicles and cooling fruit sodas with nothing much in between. Thankfully, this year we’ve had a gorgeous springtime, so I’ve been in the mood to whip up a seasonally appropriate meal. This salad is something I’ve had in my mind for a ridiculously long time, … Continue reading grilled salmon niçoise salad